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For Better or Worse

For Better or Worse is a two player local cooperation game. The two players are linked and on this link, there is an orb navigating. The players have to send it back to not being hurt and to deal damages to enemies.

During three months we were developing this game. We were a team of 5 programmers, 2 game artists, 3 sound designers and 8 designers. This project gave me the experience of what can be a real videogame studio.

You can see below what my missions were.

Level Design & Level Art

As a Level Designer, I participated in the making of the jungle level. I built it, and tweaked it to make it the best it can be.


I was also in charge of the arena mode, so I also designed and built the third arena you can go in, the Temple arena. 

To make the levels more living and enjoyable to play, I also did some Level Art. In the Prologue, I placed some props and exterior assets, such as the trees and the fog. In the temple arena, I also placed decorations inside and outside the levels.

Game Design

I was part of the Game Design decisions made early in the project. I designed some powers you can find in the game.


My major participation was when we decided to create an arena mode. In this mode I designed the third arena you go, it takes place in a temple.


For this arena I created the waves the player is going to encounter, the powers he might have and the healing he might receive. I tried to balance it the most I can so the waves are following a difficulty curve.


During this project, I also did some Q&A. Indeed, I playtested a lot the levels to find gamebreaking bugs, or smaller ones which can ruin the player experience. 


We did playtest sessions with people who did not know the game, and for that sessions, I prepared a survey they needed to fill. Then, I also redacted playtests reports, to make sure the whole team knew the feedbacks we had.

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